Muhammad Abu Zahra describes Kharijites saying: “This is among the most violent Islamic sects in defence of its doctrine and views. They are the most religious in appearance, and the most reckless and aggressive. In this they have strict compliance to literal meanings as their faith and from which a believer cannot depart… Such enthusiasm and dedication to the literal are not the only attributes of Kharijites. Their attributes also include the love of redemption, the desire to die, and seeking risks without the need to do so… The truth is that sincerity characterised a great many of them, but it is a sincerity aligned to a particular doctrine… intolerance dominated their arguments and they will never submit to their opponents nor accept ideas no matter how close they are to the truth. The strength of their opponents’ arguments fuels their obstinacy and support for their doctrine. This is because their doctrine penetrates to the depths of their hearts, and seizes their thinking and awareness”. )Firaq Islamyah, p 211)