Exposing peoples secrets

From Default. Since8 years.2017-05-09T00:00:00+03:0012:00 AM Tuesday 09 May 2017 / _9 _May _2017|

The advocates of extremism in their keenness to apply the law of God crudely without due consideration take pleasure in exposing the mistakes of people. They are quick to impose sanctions based on the slightest suspicion. They forget the hadith Narrated AbuBarzah al-Aslami:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: O community of people, who believed by their tongue, and belief did not enter their hearts, do not back-bite Muslims, and do not search for their faults, for if anyone searches for their faults, Allah will search for his fault, and if Allah searches for the fault of anyone, He disgraces him in his house. (Narrated by Abi Dawud)